
The people endpoint accesses entity resources in a campaign. All entities of any type are accessible at the people endpoint. Entities enable you to organize and track the people & groups most important to your organization, in the way that makes the most sense for your organizers. People represent different entities who have been added to the database via the API, uploads, or other means. Every campaign starts with a people entity, and you can add more to represent other groups such as nonprofit organization, union local, or workplace.

Entities of every type are available at the people endpoint. You can use filtering to search by entity type and some other field names.

Resources at the people endpoint can have custom identifiers -- one and only one generated by Action Builder when that resource is created, as well as any custom identifiers you have passed in when you create resources using POST or modify them using PUT. The Action Builder identifier is deduplicated globally, across organizations and API keys. Custom identifiers are not deduplicated. You should only use custom identifiers if you need to match back to your system. Identifiers cannot be removed once they are created, but you can have more than one identifier.

Action Builder ships the following custom identifiers, which are used as prefixes. The custom value must be made of alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores and comes after the colon:

  • dwid:
  • custom_id:
  • custom_id_1:
  • custom_id_2:
  • custom_id_3:
  • custom_id_4:
  • voterbase_id:

For example, your custom identifier may look like custom_id:a1b2-c3d4-e5f6. More on identifiers here.

Administrators can add new custom identifiers in the user interface with a chosen unique prefix, or archive (and thus hide) once they no longer want to use. The list of valid identifier prefixes is currently not available on the API. Talk to your administrators about what is in use.

Endpoints and URL Structures


People resources live exclusively at the above endpoint. The endpoint returns a collection of all the people associated with your API key and specified campaign.

URL Structures:


To address a specific person, use the resource type name like:
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Field Names and Descriptions

People Fields

Field Name Type Required on POST Description
origin_system string A human readable string identifying where this person originated.
identifiers strings[] An array of the read-only Action Builder Identifier and any custom identifiers in the format [system name]:[id]. Any custom foreign identifier you add must only have alphanumeric characters and dashes or underscores. See the general concepts document for more information about identifiers.
created_date datetime The date and time the resource was created. System generated, not editable.
modified_date datetime The date and time the resource was last modified. System generated, not editable.
action_builder:entity_type string The entity type of this resource. Default is the primary entity type, usually people.
given_name string Yes, or name The person's first name. This field is will only appear if it is enabled by that entity type.
family_name string The person's last name. This field will only appear if it is enabled by that entity type.
additional_name string An additional name not included in family or given. Usually a middle name. This field will only appear if it is enabled for that entity type.
action_builder:nickname string The person's preferred name. This field will only appear if it is enabled by that entity type.
action_builder:name string Yes, or given_name The person's name. This field is will only appear if it is enabled by that entity type.
action_builder:pronouns string The person's preferred pronouns. This field will only appear if it is enabled for that entity type.
browser_url string A URL string pointing to the person or entity's administrative page in the UI.
action_builder:latest_assessment integer The most recent assessment level of this entity. Assessment level must already exist in Action Builder. Will not appear if blank.
action_builder:latest_assessment_created_date datetime The date and time the latest assessment was created. Action Builder only. System generated, not editable.
preferred_language string The two digit language code for the language this person prefers. This field will only appear if it is enabled by that entity type.
postal_addresses postal_addresses[] An array of postal address object hashes associated with the person. This field will only appear if it is enabled by that entity type.
phone_numbers phone_numbers[] An array of phone number object hashes associated with the person. This field will only appear if it is enabled by that entity type.
email_addresses email_addresses[] An array of email address object hashes associated with the person. This field will only appear if it is enabled by that entity type.
birthdate birthdate An object representing the birthdate of the person. This field will only appear if it is enabled by that entity type.

Postal Addresses Fields

Field Name Type Required on POST Description
action_builder:identifier string The read-only identifier for this postal address in the format [system name]:[id]. See the general concepts document for more information about identifiers.
postal_addresses.address_lines string[] An array of strings representing the person’s street address. There can be a maximum two items in the array, equating to two address lines.
postal_addresses.locality string A city or other local administrative area.
postal_addresses.region string The state or region represented by the two digit abbreviation. Only supports US and Canada.
postal_addresses.postal_code string The region specific postal code, such as a zip code. string The country code according to ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2. Only supports US or CA.
postal_addresses.status string A value representing the status of the address. "Verified" if confirmed or null.
postal_addresses.source string The origin of this postal address. System generated, not editable.

Phone Numbers Fields

Field Name Type Required on POST Description
action_builder:identifier string The read-only identifier for this phone number in the format [system name]:[id]. See the general concepts document for more information about identifiers.
phone_numbers.number string The phone number of the person. Must including country code and must be numeric characters only.
phone_numbers.extention string An optional associated extension for the number.
phone_numbers.number_type enum The type of phone number. One of "Home", "Work" or "Mobile". Default is "Mobile".
phone_numbers.status enum Indicates whether this phone number is subscribed to receive messages in the system. "Subscribed" or null.
phone_numbers.action_builder:confirmed string A value representing the status of the phone number. "Verified" if confirmed or null.
phone_numbers.source string The origin of this phone number. System generated, not editable.

Email Address Fields

Field Name Type Required on POST Description
action_builder:identifier string The read-only identifier for this email address in the format [system name]:[id]. See the general concepts document for more information about identifiers.
email_addresses.address string The email address for the person.
email_addresses.address_type flexnum The type of email address. One of “home” or “work”, default is "home".
email_addresses.status enum Indicates whether this email address is subscribed to receive emails in the system, either on one or more email lists. "subscribed" or null.
email_addresses.action_builder:confirmed string A value representing the status of the email address. "Verified" if confirmed or null.
email_addresses.source string The origin of this email address. System generated, not editable.

Birthdate Fields

Field Name Type Required on POST Description
birthdate.month integer An integer representing the month of the birth date of the person. integer An integer representing the day of the birth date of the person.
birthdate.year integer An integer representing the 4 digit year of the birth date of the person.
birthdate.age integer An integer representing the age of the person.

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Scenario: Retrieving a collection of people resources (GET)

People resources are sometimes presented as collections of people. For example, calling the people endpoint will return a collection of all the people associated with that API key and specified campaign.



OSDI-API-Token: your_api_key_here


  "per_page": 25,
  "page": 1,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "_embedded": {
    "osdi:people": [
        "origin_system": "Action Builder",
        "identifiers": [
        "created_date": "2021-12-06T18:40:18.829Z",
        "modified_date": "2022-12-16T15:20:39.770Z",
        "action_builder:entity_type": "person",
        "given_name": "Lily",
        "family_name": "Morrison",
        "additional_name": "Lillian",
        "action_builder:nickname": "The Yellow Dart",
		"action_builder:pronouns": "she/her",
        "browser_url": "",
        "action_builder:latest_assessment": 4,
        "action_builder:latest_assessment_created_date": "2022-12-16T15:20:39.770Z",
        "preferred_language": "en",
        "postal_addresses": [
            "action_builder:identifier": "action_builder:8eb308d6-9b2a-45a4-ba4d-14dca9a1d020",
            "locality": "Wilmington",
            "region": "NC",
            "postal_code": "55110",
            "country": "US",
            "status": "verified"
        "phone_numbers": [
            "action_builder:identifier": "action_builder:e5a50ab4-38a7-4501-8103-154caf46a690",
            "number": "15555555555",
            "number_type": "Mobile"
        "email_addresses": [
            "action_builder:identifier": "action_builder:8c92c4a8-a185-4a52-825a-3f15d63d3352",
            "address": "[email protected]",
            "address_type": "home"
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": ""
          "action_builder:campaign": {
            "href": ""
          "action_builder:entity_type": {
            "href": ""
          "action_builder:connections": {
            "href": ""
          "osdi:taggings": {
            "href": ""
        "origin_system": "Action Builder",
        "identifiers": [
        "created_date": "2021-06-10T13:58:59.260Z",
        "modified_date": "2021-06-10T13:58:59.260Z",
        "action_builder:entity_type": "person",
        "given_name": "Micah",
        "family_name": "Roberts",
        "action_builder:nickname": "The Red Sparrow",
        "browser_url": "",
        "preferred_language": "en",
        "postal_addresses": [
            "action_builder:identifier": "action_builder:fca729b9-d855-4043-9d8a-888fa7af95b6",
            "address_lines": [
              "97 Sutherland Alley"
            "locality": "Wilmington",
            "region": "NC",
            "postal_code": "55110",
            "country": "US"
        "email_addresses": [
            "action_builder:identifier": "action_builder:b1e48fad-0a8e-4694-b6f1-9e2783e5a6c7",
            "address": "[email protected]",
            "address_type": "home"
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": ""
          "action_builder:campaign": {
            "href": ""
          "action_builder:entity_type": {
            "href": ""
          "action_builder:connections": {
            "href": ""
          "osdi:taggings": {
            "href": ""
     // truncated for brevity
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "curies": [
        "name": "osdi",
        "href": "{rel}",
        "templated": true
        "name": "action_builder",
        "href": "{rel}",
        "templated": true
    "osdi:people": [
        "href": ""
        "href": ""
        "href": ""
        "href": ""
        "href": ""
        "href": ""
        "href": ""
        "href": ""
        "href": ""

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Scenario: Retrieving an individual person resource (GET)

Calling an individual person resource will return the person directly, along with all associated fields and appropriate links to additional information about the person.



OSDI-API-Token: your_api_key_here


200 OK

Content-Type: application/hal+json
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate

  "origin_system": "Action Builder",
  "identifiers": [
  "created_date": "2021-12-06T18:40:18.829Z",
  "modified_date": "2022-12-16T15:20:39.770Z",
  "action_builder:entity_type": "person",
  "given_name": "Lily",
  "family_name": "Morrison",
  "additional_name": "Lillian",
  "action_builder:nickname": "The Yellow Dart",
  "browser_url": "",
  "action_builder:latest_assessment": 3
  "action_builder:latest_assessment_created_date": "2022-12-16T15:20:39.770Z",
  "preferred_language": "en",
  "postal_addresses": [
      "action_builder:identifier": "action_builder:8eb308d6-9b2a-45a4-ba4d-14dca9a1d020",
      "locality": "Wilmington",
      "region": "NC",
      "postal_code": "55110",
      "country": "US",
      "status": "verified"
  "phone_numbers": [
      "action_builder:identifier": "action_builder:e5a50ab4-38a7-4501-8103-154caf46a690",
      "number": "15555555555",
      "number_type": "Mobile"
  "email_addresses": [
      "action_builder:identifier": "action_builder:8c92c4a8-a185-4a52-825a-3f15d63d3352",
      "address": "[email protected]",
      "address_type": "home"
  "_links": {
    "curies": [
        "name": "osdi",
        "href": "{rel}",
        "templated": true
        "name": "action_builder",
        "href": "{rel}",
        "templated": true
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "action_builder:campaign": {
      "href": ""
    "action_builder:entity_type": {
      "href": ""
    "action_builder:connections": {
      "href": ""
    "osdi:taggings": {
      "href": ""

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Scenario: Creating a New Person (POST)

The people collection does not allow POST -- posting a new person directly to the people endpoint is not allowed.

People can be created using the person signup helper, documented here.

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Scenario: Modifying an Existing Person (PUT)

You can modify an existing person by using PUT at its individual endpoint.

You can modify an existing person's postal address, phone number, or email address by using PUT at the person's endpoint and either using the field's identifier or matching by the address, number, or any of the postal address fields. Postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses each have their own action_builder:identifier field which can be used to modify that field.

When updating a person's postal address, phone number, or email address you must include the action_builder:identifier in your request or match by address, number, or any of the postal address fields. Otherwise, new fields will be created instead of updating the existing fields.

You can remove a person's assessment by making action_builder:latest_assessment equal to null.

This example modifies the person's preferred name, assessment, and postal address. Note the use of the identifier in postal_addresses to identify which postal address to update.



OSDI-API-Token: your_api_key_here

    "nickname": "Johnny",
    "action_builder:latest_assessment": 1,
    "postal_addresses": [
        "address_lines": "1900 L St NW"
        "locality": "Washington",
        "region": "DC",
        "postal_code": "20036",
        "country": "US",
        "identifier": "action_builder:e5a50ab4-38a7-4501-8103-154caf46a690"



200 OK

Content-Type: application/hal+json
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate

  "identifiers": [
  "created_date": "2021-03-25T17:09:57Z",
  "modified_date": "2022-12-16T15:20:39.770Z",
  "family_name": "Smith",
  "given_name": "John",
  "nickname": "Johnny",
  "action_builder:latest_assessment": 1,
  "action_builder:latest_assessment_created_date": "2022-12-16T15:20:39.770Z",
  "email_addresses": [
      "address": "[email protected]",
	"address_type": "home",
      "identifier": "action_builder:e5a50ab4-38a7-4501-8103-154caf46a690"
  "phone_numbers": [
    "number": "12021234444",
    "number_type": "mobile",
    "identifier": "action_builder:f5a50ab4-38a7-4501-8103-154caf46a690"
   "postal_addresses": [
       "address_lines": "1900 L St NW"
       "locality": "Washington",
       "region": "DC",
       "postal_code": "20036",
       "country": "US",
       "identifier": "action_builder:e5a50ab4-38a7-4501-8103-154caf46a690"
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "action_builder:campaign": {
      "href": ""
    "action_builder:entity_type": {
      "href": ""
    "osdi:taggings": {
      "href": ""
"action_builder:connections": {
      "href": ""

    "curies": [
        "name": "osdi",
        "href": "{rel}",
        "templated": true
        "name": "action_builder",
        "href": "{rel}",
        "templated": true

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Scenario: DELETE

Deleting a person will remove them from the campaign. This is equivalent to removing an entity from a campaign on the UI.



OSDI-API-Token: your_api_key_here


200 OK

Content-Type: application/hal+json
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate

  "message": "Entity has been removed from the campaign"

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